(Labour, Skill Development and Employment Department, Gandhinagar)
Near PHC Centre, Dhaneti Road, Ratnal, Kachchh, 370105
Industrial Training Institute, Ratnal, under the Directorate of Employment Training, Gandhinagar was initially set-up in the year of 2016, the intake capacity of 220.
Industrial Training institute Ratnal is a certified institute and governed by Department of Employment and Training. The institute conducts different technical and non- technical courses.
The Institute is engaged in imparting training in scheme of NCVT, GCVT as well as short term pattern courses with the capacity of trainees.
“We at Government I.T.I. Ratnal will impart futuristic Technical Education and install high patterns of discipline through our dedicated staff who shall get global standards, making our students technologically superior and ethically strong who in turn shall improve the quality of life of the human race”.